A Little Help?
January 2011 by Somebody
This month we proudly present to you our newest column, Quasi-Stoics Lounge, which will feature editorials on the subjects of philosophy, psychology, science, religion, and pop-culture, along with a generous helping of semi-autobiographical ramblings. Basically, we just needed a place to put all of our non-political editorials. We were originally going to call the section Neo-Stoics Lounge, and we imagined that the concept of Neo-Stoicism would be our own half-baked slacker attempt at serious philosophy. After a little research it was discovered that Neo-Stoicism was a real philosophical movement in the 1700s which combined classical Greek Stoicism with Christian faith. These guys took themselves a little too seriously for us, so we opted for the alternate prefix "quasi" -- meaning "similar to" -- instead of "neo," which means "new." That's the birth of Quasi-Stoicism in a nutshell. Prepare to be enlightened. Or not.
Coming to the Music Desk section within the next month or two will be a new column entitled On the Turntable, which will feature longer articles about various musical artists and subjects. We have pieces about Jimmy Page and the late Captain Beefheart that are cued up and ready to blast through your quadraphonic sound system.
You might also have noticed that the Junk Closet has been renovated and now looks cool as heck. Of course, you won't find much in there except links to other pages. The Junk Closet was conceived as the place for everything that doesn't fit into the other sections of the website. In addition to Quasi-Stoics Lounge and Gimme Some Links! there are plans underway for a yet-to-be-named satirical column there and a poetry section. After that, who knows? I like the idea that our website could grow to the size of a small galaxy on the internet. Of course that would require a little more manpower than we have now.
Editor's conception of Somebody's Webpage in 2015.
2010 was a super-busy year for us, and we hope all the manic writing and web designing will pay off as an enjoyable experience for you, our fans. We have plenty of new things planned for the year ahead. There seems to be no end in sight for the potential addition of new columns and features. We, the small staff of Somebody's Webpage, are starting to feel that we have over-extended ourselves a little too far, and for that reason we are seeking additional writers for the website. We are especially interested in music reviews, editorials, and satire. So if you're an aspiring writer, go ahead and fire off something to us at somebody@somebodyswebpage. At this point in time we can't offer much in the way of payment, but all first-time contributors who are published will receive a complimentary gift card to the restaurant of their choice.
Copyright 2011 by Somebody's Webpage