Music Desk Renovation Now Complete
August 2010 by Somebody
The long-awaited expansion of our Music Desk section is now complete. We are very pleased with ourselves. In addition to the familiar Somebody's Old Radio, there are three new features: The Is Music Dead? column is the first in a series of essays by various writers on the state of popular music. What's Going On at Uncle Steve's is an ongoing look at the live music scene in Bratwurst, Ohio by our friend Jacob Silverman. Favorite CD of the Month also makes its debut this month, and will feature reviews of some of Somebody's favorite discs of the past and present, and well as CD picks by other writers.
In other news, I'm happy to say that Somebody Else has returned from the wilderness and reclaimed his role as Assistant Editor and senior pundit for Somebody's Webpage. The insights of his Serious Stuff column are always worth checking out. In the coming weeks we will be adding a new short column to the Opinion Clearinghouse section, tentively titled Stop the Presses, which will be written by myself and Somebody Else, and whoever else wants to take a stab at some current events discourse. The crystal ball also reveals that the main page will soon have a new section called Junk Closet, which will be the home for everything that doesn't fit into the other sections, including the web links page currently known as Gimme Some Links! (which is itself in the process of being renamed and reconceptualized -- don't worry, it's not as painful as it sounds) and some weird art and poetry and stuff.
It was a huge relief to finally get through with the webpages for the music section, but my joy has been shortlived. I occured to me that, although my basic design work on the site is nearer to completion, I still have a whole list of things that need to be done. It almost seems like the farther I get, the distance I need to go increases by the same amount. But I don't feel like George Jetson running on the sadistic space treadmill, because creating this website has gotten to be more fun than I can describe. What started out as a half-hearted experiment is now a minor obsession for me. The website seems to be taking on a life of its own, like the proverbial snowball rolling down the hill.
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